The Osteoarchaeological report on the remains at Dunmore was completed by Camilla Lofqvist. What follows is an abridged version of the introduction section of her report, the sex of the remains and their age profile. In the next post we’ll look at their stature and general health. References will follow in a later post. The […]

The Galway Independent reports this week that the ‘high-profile Meyrick Hotel on Eyre Square has suffered an almost 90pc collapse in value since its €70m peak’ , having been written down to a value of €7.8m in 2011, a remarkable achievement for any Irish property. The hotel has had a chequered history since its opening […]

Via the Galway City Museum facebook page – UPDATE: Archaeological Discoveries at Terryland Castle, Galway (click the photo’s to embiggen…) “Galway City Council is constructing a multi-modular ramp to provide safe access from the Dyke Road to the Quincentennial Bridge. Funding from the National Roads Authority has facilitated this work. A number of archaeological finds have […]

Here’s another find from last year – this one was recovered during a site inspection for some work near Doolin, Co. Clare. It was found by Billy, lying in plain view on a sandy bank beside a limestone pavement. It’s a copper alloy pin with a slight bend at the head and another along the […]
This in our inbox from the Galway County Biodiversity Project Manager (www.galwaycountybiodiversity.com). Events for Heritage Week in Galway. ‘You are probably aware that next week is Heritage Week and events are being run throughout the Country to celebrate. Of course Galway’s local heritage organisations have been very busy planning a variety of events around the […]

The Day of Archaeology 2011 aimed to give a window into the daily lives of archaeologists and happened on July 29th. With over 400 contributors, it chronicled what they did on one day, from those in the field through to specialists working in laboratories and behind computers. This was our contribution. To see all the contributions see http://www.dayofarchaeology.com/ […]

Here’s another find – this one’s from 2009 and was recovered during monitoring of excavation works for a park and ride facility at NUI, Galway. Archaeological monitoring at the development site exposed no features of archaeological significance. However the stray find of a Neolithic polished stone axehead recovered from up-cast material from a service trench […]

In light of the Irish Times’ History of Ireland in 100 Objects series, we’re republishing our Ennis Bypass Palstave post. This was the first artefact in our virtual museum and is deep in the bowels of our blog now. So here it is again: We’ve also presented a report on the find including a description […]
Statement from the Board of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland, 18th February 2011. European Union pursues legal action while state reduces numbers of archaeologists engaged in regulation. The Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI) notes with concern that the EU Commission has initiated a second legal action against the Government over its failure to […]

Area 2 at Oranmore comprised a recent midden (basically a 19th century dump) and didn’t contain anything of any great significance – mostly oyster shells etc.. The stratigraphy of the midden revealed that the deposited shells were located immediately below the sod, and rested above the sub-soil, which in turn was sitting on glacial till. During the […]

Pictured above is the coin recovered from the site at Oranmore – you can read the introduction to the excavation in this post: http://www.mooregroup.ie/2011/02/excavations-at-oranmore/ Found with burial 1, the coin was located close to the left hand of the skeleton indicating that it was deliberately placed with the individual at the time of burial. After conservation […]

Pictured above is the buckle recovered from the site at Oranmore – you can read the introduction to the excavation in this post: http://www.mooregroup.ie/2011/02/excavations-at-oranmore/ A copper alloy buckle with pin fragment attached was found in the topsoil covering Area 1. It is likely to be a disturbed find from the burial ground. The Romans were […]

This is the first of a series of posts on the exciting results of excavations carried out by Moore Group at Pairc and Clochair, Oranmore, County Galway between 2008 and 2010. A number of sites were excavated in advance of construction of a new supermarket and associated access and other services. Today we’ll describe the […]
Nollaig shona agus athbhliann faoi mhaise daoibh.
Moore Group and Moore Marine would like to wish all our readers, clients and friends a very Happy Christmas and a successful 2011. And in our now annual tradition here’s Chris’ Little Drummer Boy film for your Christmas viewing. And here’s last years Christmas film from the BLTP family: And for more BLTP Productions see this link – http://living4pleasurealone.blogspot.com/search/label/Bltp%20films Our office will […]

As a follow up on our last post on Raheen Mill in Clonmel, here Billy explains the milling process which was likely followed at the site in a little more detail. The eighteenth century Mill at Raheen was typical of it’s time, comprising a vertical waterwheel used to grind grain, principally oats or corn. The […]

Author and Director: Billy Quinn Here’s a summary of excavation work carried out by Billy for Moore Marine at Raheen Mill, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary last year. The work was carried out in advance of the construction for a flood defence wall on the southern side of the River Suir at the site of the former […]
New Website section
We’ve added a new section on our main website detailing the appropriate assessment requirements. What is Appropriate Assessment and when is it needed? Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive requires that: ‘Any plan or project not directly connected with or necessary to the management of the site but likely to have a significant effect thereon, […]
Brew day stage one: Gathering the Heather

After a fruitless (flowerless!) Saturday afternoon drive with one year old in tow, up the Crumlin (‘crooked glen’) Valley near Cornamona, Co. Galway (or ‘Gleann gan Fraoch’ as we’ve taken to calling it), we finally came across a reasonable growth of Bell Heather south of Maumwee Lough near Lackavre (but not, we stress, within the […]
Talk: Crime Scene Investigation: Eyre Square

Billy will be giving a talk at the Galway City Museum on Saturday 23rd October, 2pm. Here’s the billing; Talk: Crime Scene Investigation: Eyre Square Between 2004 and 2006, during excavations, a number of skeletal remains were unearthed at Eyre Square, dating from a period before the arrival of the Anglo-Normans to late Victorian era. […]
Two brief snippets today – WhenonGE (When on Google Earth) is still unsolved at Theoretical Structural Archaeology. For those who are unfamiliar with the game, It’s a game for archaeologists, or anybody else willing to have a go! The host posts a google earth image of an archaeological site, you try to identify the site in […]
Galway.. Then

Fishmarket & Claddagh Village, Galway 1913. While doing some research on the Spanish Arch area I came across these remarkable colour images from 1913, part of the Alfred Kahn collection. Kahn, a French Banker commissioned a project in the early part of the last century to collect a photographic record of the entire Earth. He appointed […]
Bronze Age Halberd

Occasionally we’ve been adding to our ‘virtual museum’, with brief descriptions of the artefacts we’ve recovered over the years. Generally we’ll only post up the very special finds! One of Billy’s most notable stray finds from last year was retrieved during the course of archaeological testing near the River Corrib. The find was un-associated with […]
Volvo Ocean Race Stopover

Saturday saw the departure of the Volvo Ocean Race for Marstrand, Sweden after two fantastic weeks in Galway. Estimates as to the total attendance vary from 420,000 to 600,000 during the course of the stopover, far exceeding the original expectations of 140,000. The success of the event seems to have surprised everyone (and may have […]
How Supermacs saved the Volvo Ocean Race

Moore Marine welcomes home the Green Dragon The imminent arrival of the Volvo Ocean Race to Galway meant that Saturday night was one of great anticipation. Throughout much of the previous week there had been wild speculation as to when the fleet would arrive. Some were saying they wouldn’t be arriving until Tuesday, whilst others […]