The Day of Archaeology 2011 aimed to give a window into the daily lives of archaeologists and happened on July 29th. With over 400 contributors, it chronicled what they did on one day, from those in the field through to specialists working in laboratories and behind computers. This was our contribution. To see all the contributions see http://www.dayofarchaeology.com/ […]
Statement from the Board of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland, 18th February 2011. European Union pursues legal action while state reduces numbers of archaeologists engaged in regulation. The Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI) notes with concern that the EU Commission has initiated a second legal action against the Government over its failure to […]
Looting to order in Iraq

From Remote Central via PDQ here’s an excellent, if disturbing, small film about the looting in Iraq. Just click on the screenshot to view it. We love Rumsfeld’s ‘Is it possible that there are that many vases in the whole Country’!!! What a wag! Compare with our own Taoiseach’s description of archaeologists (from The […]
Gunmoney, Dragoons and Gideon of Dunmore

Billy has recently completed most of the post excavation work for the excavations in Dunmore, Co. Galway as part of the Dunmore Sewerage Scheme, financed by Galway County Council. The trench at Barrack Street impacted on an unrecorded cemetery associated with the nearby Augustinian Friary. The Friary in Abbeyland South is first mentioned in 1425 […]