More Hot Rock technology

Following on from the innovative use of abandoned mine shafts in Holland to produce geo-thermally heated domestic hot water here’s some recent news of Google’s major investment in a potentially groundbreaking (pardon the deliberate, if poor, pun) method of using the natural heating power of the planet to provide massive amounts of hot water, on […]
Mine's a boiler
Following on from the Japanese Eco Rigs, we bring you an altogther simpler, but no less ingenious, idea from the Dutch, who are using abandoned mineshafts as a method of heating water geo-thermally. The heated water is pumped to the surface and used to supply the Domestic Hot Water needs of up to 350 homes […]
To BE.R or not to BE.R, that is the question…….
Since the establishment of Moore Groups energy consulting section, the jury is still out…… last month, we have been positively under-whelmed with clients wishing to avail of our expert Building Energy Services. This largely seems to be not as a result of our anonymity in the field but rather as a result of a general […]
Eco-rigs and things

As an introduction to my joining Moore Group as a BER Assessor/Energy Consultant (amongst other roles, as is the ‘Moore Group Way’), I offer this interesting article via and timesonline. Confirming my general feeling that while solar panels dotted on cottage roofs around Ireland will benefit individual homeowners and make the Green Party feel […]
Going fishin'

Photo owned by The Wu’s Photo Land (cc) With nods to Historiann. No, not another post on aquaponics. Off to more wedding festivities etc.. in Norway. Declan, that is, not the entire company. Updates on aquaponics, more on beer, more on Eyre Square, whaling stations in Ireland, new finds, perhaps a little bit more on […]