Via the Marine Institute: A new and improved version of the European Atlas of the Seas is now available on the website of DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries: It includes 24 new maps ETC… New maps include: Natura 2000 protected maritime sites Pollution response vessels Coastal GDP The atlas is an easy way for students, […]

As a follow up on our last post on Raheen Mill in Clonmel, here Billy explains the milling process which was likely followed at the site in a little more detail. The eighteenth century Mill at Raheen was typical of it’s time, comprising a vertical waterwheel used to grind grain, principally oats or corn. The […]

Author and Director: Billy Quinn Here’s a summary of excavation work carried out by Billy for Moore Marine at Raheen Mill, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary last year. The work was carried out in advance of the construction for a flood defence wall on the southern side of the River Suir at the site of the former […]
The Blue Dragon.. He look angry

From NASA’s Earth Observatory website here’s a zoomed-in pic of a recent phytoplankton bloom off the west coast. ‘Late May 2010 brought peacock-hued swirls of blue and green to the North Atlantic. The iridescent waters formed a giant arc hundreds of kilometers across, extending from west of Ireland to the Bay of Biscay. The Moderate […]
Volvo Ocean Race Stopover

Saturday saw the departure of the Volvo Ocean Race for Marstrand, Sweden after two fantastic weeks in Galway. Estimates as to the total attendance vary from 420,000 to 600,000 during the course of the stopover, far exceeding the original expectations of 140,000. The success of the event seems to have surprised everyone (and may have […]
More Marine
Continuing in a marine theme, our source in the Marine Institute has tipped us off to the following excellent links…. First – Here’s the singing humpbacks of West Cork. The YouTube clip below has been edited – the whale sounds aren’t live. Via the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) and recorded by Eugene McKeown […]
How Supermacs saved the Volvo Ocean Race

Moore Marine welcomes home the Green Dragon The imminent arrival of the Volvo Ocean Race to Galway meant that Saturday night was one of great anticipation. Throughout much of the previous week there had been wild speculation as to when the fleet would arrive. Some were saying they wouldn’t be arriving until Tuesday, whilst others […]
Marine Institute YouTube Debut
The Marine Institute DVD “Explorer – A Deeper Understanding” can now be viewed on You Tube in four installments. Showcasing the great science thats done on the Celtic Explorer and the results of a recent cruise, it’s well worth a view. Established in 1991, the Marine Institute is the Irish national agency responsible for Marine […]
Atlantis Schmatlantis

No, Its not Atlantis, and really, radio producers, newspaper editors et al.. you should consult an oceanographer before presenting us with a lost fabled, imaginary land deep in the Atlantic… From todays English ‘Sun’: THIS is the amazing image which could show the fabled sunken city of Atlantis. It shows a perfect rectangle the size […]
Friday Flora and Fauna

Well bloggers, there is a lot of chat about the unfortunate Fin whale stranded in Courtmacsherry Bay, Co Cork yesterday. Before you all go rushing to comment with the adolescent (‘I suppose his parents didn’t understand him!’) teenage suicide off the coast of Cork not Portugal puns, here’s a thought. Why would a whale intentionally […]
Robert Ballard on exploring the oceans | Video on
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.1810007&w=425&h=350&] more about “Robert Ballard on exploring the ocean…“, posted with vodpod
David Gallo shows underwater astonishments | Video on
Here’s the first of two Ocean themed TED talks for the weekend. Today David Gallo and some remarkable underwater footage. For more TED talks go here. Hat tip Greg Laden for turning us onto TED. [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1809983&w=425&h=350&] more about “David Gallo shows underwater astonish…“, posted with vodpod
Dolphin Sighting
As of 2001, 24 cetacean species have been recorded in Irish waters (Berrow, 2001) of which the Harbour Porpoise is the most common. This past summer has been a busy year for dolphin and whale spotters, most notably the three sightings of blue whale in recent weeks. In 1991 the Irish government declared all Irish […]
Hydrographic Surveys – New Toy

Posted by Eoghan, Moore Marine Here’s some Humpback Whales cavorting in Monterey Bay last week; Recorded while ‘adventurising’ in the US. Found throughout the world Humpbacks (Megaptera novaeangliae) feed mainly on Krill, a type of shrimp-like marine crustacean (from the Norwegian word krill meaning “young fry of fish”) and other small fish. The Humpback is […]
Boatwash Review
Posted by Eoghan, Moore Marine In 2006, in conjunction with University College Cork Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre and Aquatic Services Unit, Orla Power for Moore Marine worked on the cultural heritage impacts as part of the ‘Literature review on the impacts of boat wash on the heritage of Ireland’s inland waterways’, commissioned by the […]
Great Beer Experiment video
Regular readers will have noticed that we’ve posted the video of last years Great Beer Experiment using VodPod on the right… Produced by BigYes, it documents the process and the events last August – please bear in mind when viewing that we had consumed quite a bit of our beer by the end of the […]
Tayleur Wreck

Posted by Eoghan Published previously on Moore Marines blog and originally published in the Bulletin of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology in 2004, we’ve posted below Eoghan’s paper by way of commemorating 154 years since the sinking of the Tayleur in January 1854. Tayleur, a victim of technological innovation On 21 January 1854, the […]
Zebra Mussels & Divers

And another Moore Marine post – posted by Eoghan…. Zebra Mussels in Hand Many divers and boat users will be aware of the arrival of Zebra Mussels into our freshwater rivers and lakes. These light and dark striped shell bivalves have gained a ferocious reputation for destroying host environments and affecting freshwater ecosystems. As divers, […]
Tramore Wreck

The second of the Moore Marine Posts, posted by Eoghan: Historic Map indicates cause for Tramore Shipwreck During the course of archaeological monitoring of the Tramore Sewerage scheme, the remains of a previously unrecorded timber vessel was uncovered and investigated by a team from Moore Marine. These remains were located c.1km east of Tramore promenade, […]

We’ve decided to ‘conjoin’ Moore Marines blog with Moore Groups blog from today. So we’ll be transferring posts over the coming days, starting with: Lough Cummeennapeasta On the 17th December 1943, a Douglas C-47 Skytrain, 43-30719 crashed into Knocknapeasta mountain 700m up the MacGillacuddy Reek Mountain range in County Kerry whilst en route from North […]
Tayleur Wreck
Originally published in the Bulletin of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology in 2004, we’ve posted below Eoghan’s paper by way of commemorating 154 years since the sinking of the Tayleur in January 1854. Tayleur, a victim of technological innovation On 21 January 1854, the British-built Iron Clipper, Tayleur was wrecked on Lambay Island, 21 […]
Intervals and Invaders – Zebra Mussels in the Corrib
According to Wiki – Interval = certain subset of an ordered set. There has been a certain subset of an ordered set on the Moore Group blog. It’s been very busy and due to a number of conflicting events we were unable to attend the Great Irish Beer Festival and so can’t comment on it’s […]