Here’s more from our sometime ecologist, Niall Teague and band. Originally from Belfast now living in Galway, Niall wrote the ballad I’ve added in the sidebar which was based on Frank Cunnane’s Civil War letter (see here). His band, ‘The Fast Company, features some of ‘Galways best emerging talent’ (Jimi Mc Donnell, The Connacht Tribune), including […]
You have to love Irish America… VIA @NoreenBowden (which is twitter for Noreen Bowden of we came across MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS’ – “Irish Celebration”. Despite the slightly errant and jumbled narrative, and the fact that it’s an obviously Irish American interpretation of being Irish, some people over on don’t seem to have […]
Nollaig shona agus athbhliann faoi mhaise daoibh.
Moore Group and Moore Marine would like to wish all our readers, clients and friends a very Happy Christmas and a successful 2011. And in our now annual tradition here’s Chris’ Little Drummer Boy film for your Christmas viewing. And here’s last years Christmas film from the BLTP family: And for more BLTP Productions see this link – Our office will […]
Galway Races

From Samuca’s Photostream The Moore Group and Moore Marine offices are closed for the Galway Races on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th July and Bank Holiday Monday. We will be back as usual on Tuesday, hopefully richer, unlike last year.
New Flikr Gallery
We’ve added photos of Gareth Allen’s ‘Bestiary’ to our Flickr in preparation for our new website which will feature a Gallery page. Gareth was commissioned by Moore Group to produce a set of five illustrations. Taurus is cropped above as our header image. The collection reached the final of the Illustrators Guild of Ireland Awards in 2002. […]
The Ozone
‘If the banks don’t get you down the head shop ban will, but at least the powers that be heaven’t copped on to bronze age booze yet’… writes Olaf Tyaransen in todays Herald ( He kindly links to our gallery. Thanks Olaf… But it was late afternoon for pints in Neachtain’s, I swear. Meanwhile, after replacing […]
EEA Beer Session & a wee competition
We were briefly excited by the news of an alcohol and beer session at the upcoming European Association of Archaeologists conference in September. Here’s the session description with a ‘find and replace’ done. See if you can spot the difference. The original is here. During the last twenty years the anthropology of formica table top consumption […]
The Fading Light
There are a number of archaeology connections to Ivan Kavanagh’s award winning film ‘The Fading Light’. The film won Best Irish Film in the Jameson Dublin International Film Festival and Best Actor went to Patrick O’Donnell, for his role as a special needs adult in the same film. More info here.. Congratulations to Patrick/Dicey who carries […]
Irish Blog Awards 2010

We’ve been nominated (part of a very long long list of nominees) in the Irish Blog Awards – Best Blog of a Business (section sponsored by Thanks you to anyone who might have nominated us…. Nomination badge from
New Year Mail
New Year, and Internet Register Ireland (a trading name of DAD Deutscher Adressdienst GmbH) have written to us to offer us the opportunity to update our entry on their website. The letter, very officious in tone and printed on nice recycled paper also included a free business reply envelope. This is not the first time we’ve […]
BLTP Films
And while we’re at the Christmas thing, here’s the latest Christmas film from the BLTP family: And for more BLTP Productions see this link –
Nollaig shona agus athbhliann faoi mhaise daoibh.
Moore Group and Moore Marine would like to wish all our readers, clients and friends a very Happy Christmas and a successful 2009. As with previous years we won’t be issuing Christmas cards to our clients, sub-consultants and suppliers. This year we are donating to Galway Educate Together National School, Positive Mental Health and The RNLI. Chris’ Little Drummer Boy […]
50,000 pageviews

As a result of the recent flooding, we’ve had little time to update the blog. Declan has been made homeless, while Billy was also forced to cope with a severe flood in his home. While we were able to recover all our things, it still made for a stressful couple of weeks, with Moore Marine’s […]
Carnival Round Up
In archaeology reading, the latest 4 stone hearth blog carnival is up at ‘Wanna be an Anthropologist’ , while Geoff Carter is currently hosting the latest ‘When on Google Earth‘.You can keep up with the WhenonGE slots at the facebook group here. Of Geoff and his blog ‘Theoretical Structural Archaeology’, WBAA has this to say: […]
Bear with us – we’ll be posting the next WhenonGE tomorrow.. Call it Volvo Ocean Race fatigue/overwork/empty office…
Volvo Ocean Race Latest..

Here’s a screenshot showing the latest positions in the Volvo Ocean Race. Green Dragon has reached second position with only 340 nautical miles (nm) left to Galway. Reports from town indicate that the race village is nearing completion and the docks have been transformed. The event is a remarkable achievement and huge congratulations are due […]
Volvo Ocean Race

The imminent arrival of the Volvo Ocean Race in Galway prompted us to place an ad in one of the local papers – the Galway Independent. Readers can follow the Irish – Chinese entry, Green Dragon (at the time of writing they’re lying in fifth place) at their website here. Here’s our in-house designed advert […]
Declan on leave. Moore Group very busy. Blog back soon.
Tangled Bank
No submissions received for the Tangled Bank Blog Carnival….
When Irish Eyes are Smiling

Via Eachtra (who have gone live with an impressive new website), we found Wordle. As Eachtra state, the words we use can say a great deal about us and we found the results interesting – a lot of earth, stone and fire, with the occasional ‘colour’ and a little ‘bragging’ (with a hint of ‘won’ […]
Happy St. Patricks Day/Week
This letter from the Irish Independent drew our attention recently, and we thought we’d repost it for the weekend that’s in it… Ken is an ex-Moore – well done Ken! Deep thanks for help in Oz fires Thursday February 26 2009 I am writing to express my true and sincere thanks for the help of […]
4SH Submissions at Middle Savagery
Middle Savagery will be hosting the next Four Stone Hearth on February 11th, so send your submissions to And over on AWOL, there’s the second part of a game originally initiated by geologists and now adapted by Shawn Graham at Electric Archaeologist, which has taken up much of my valuable leisure time – When […]
Irish Woo – Teh stone of consciouness

Warning – snark. From {located near Clonmacnoise, it’s described as a centre for ‘being and wholeness, a place where Spirit dwells and has it’s being. Being at ÁRD-NA-RÍ allows your spirit dance, a dance that dances the earth.’}: Stone of Consciouness* (sic) This stone, dated 3,500BC. made its’ way to ÁRD-NA-RÍ in 2002. It […]