Field Negro on Spelling

Via Field Negro: Anywhooo, I was over at the excellent web site called Crooks & Liars, and one commenter, Floyd George, left the following: I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulacity uesdnatnrd what I was rdgniegThe phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,it deosn’t mttaer in what oredr the […]
Irish Blog Awards

Nomination badge from We’ve been nominated (and are thus part of a very long long list – almost 600 blogs) for two categories in the Irish Blog Awards – Best Specialist Blog and Best Business Blog. Thanks Caricatures Ireland and anyone else who might have nominated us….
Vacation USA – Guest post

Special Guest Post from Southie Sham. Today, given the day that’s in it, allow us to introduce a special guest blogger – Southie Sham. Southie’s our man in North Dakota in ‘A-Merry-Ka’ and is a Principle Investigator archaeologist. An Irishman, he’ll occasionally post his sometimes skewed thoughts on living in the New World and North […]
Irish Blog Awards

Nominations for the Irish Blog Awards are now open… the nomination page is here. And, via Greg Laden, why not do it in your own font. The awards are in Cork on Feb. 21st.
Nollaig Shona Daoibh
Nollaig shona agus athbhliann faoi mhaise daoibh. Moore Group and Moore Marine would like to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a successful 2009. As with previous years we won’t be issuing Christmas cards to our clients, sub-consultants and suppliers. This year we are donating to Galway Educate Together National School, Positive Mental Health […]
Winter Solstice at Newgrange

This weekend is Winter Solstice weekend – the days will be getting longer, thankfully! At sunrise on the solstice, a shaft of sunlight shines through the roof box over the entrance to Newgrange and penetrates the passage to light up the chamber. It’s a spectacular and dramatic event which only lasts for about 17 minutes […]
Friday Flora & Fauna
Announcing ‘Friday Flora and Fauna’… From tomorrow, we’ll be posting a regular, topical flora and fauna column from Moore Group staff. We’ll follow the seasons and report on topical issues to do with the Irish environment and Irish Biodiversity. We’ll try and keep it regular to Fridays, but work pressures might affect the consistency occasionally! […]
Break in Transmission
This blog is off to Paris for a short business trip. So why not have a look at Bobby Kennedy Jnr. and Greg Palast’s ‘Steal back your vote‘. We like Bobby Kennedy Jnr. Have a look at his website here. We are the Moore Group and we approve this message. Hat Tip to Greg Laden […]
Blogs and Carnivalia
Today – a new (to us) carnival we’ve come across – Carnival of the Blue, ‘providing a community for ocean-related blogging and bloggers’ hosted this month by Cephalopodcast. And in other Nature Blog news, Nature Blog Networks now has a blog…
Tangled Bank Blog Carnival
The newest (117th edition) Tangled Bank Carnival is up at Neural Gourmet. Taking it’s name from Charles Darwin’s famous metaphor – ‘It is interesting to contemplate a tangled bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes, with various insects flitting about, and with worms crawling through the damp earth, […]
Moving to Drupal?
We’re considering moving the whole operation, website, blog (while it still has a small but growing readership) and all, over to Drupal. What we hope to do is expand on the resources aspect – pages with publications, links to useful web resources, photo collections etc.., all in one place. Anyone have any experience with the […]
Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival
The Four Stone Hearth blog carnival (a blog carnival that specializes in anthropology in the widest {American} sense of that word – anthropology as the study of humankind, throughout all times and places, focussing primarily on four lines of research) is up over at Greg Ladens blog, here. The second part of our post on […]
Trad Week final tune
Lúnasa live in Porto Recanati, Italy..
The last Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI) conference for 2008 was held in Sligo over the weekend. The conference theme was recent technical applications developed and used in archaeological and landscape surveys, excavation, recording, analysis, dating, archiving and visualisation, with the Saturday session dedicated to the late Markus Casey. A minute’s silence was observed […]
Trad Week No. 4
Emmylou Harris & The Chieftains – Lambs on the green hills
Trad week No. 3
Seamus Ennis..
Trad week No. 2
Well, we had to include this one. Steve Earl & Sharon Shannon.
TRAD week at Moore Groups blog
Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland conference tomorrow, economic downturn and fierce budget and dreary weather, so in the meantime to cheer us all up we’re announcing Trad week on Moore Groups blog. Over the next week we’ll present the best of Irish trad for the listening and viewing pleasure of our readers. Today, Danú. More […]
Recession-busting fulacht fiadh…
With the credit crunch and rising energy bills, perhaps it’s time to return to more traditional methods of cooking. Fulachtaí fia could be the answer.. So suggests Ross Golden Bannon in this weekends Sunday Business Post (piece not available online). Ross has a well researched single column piece which describes the nature and suggested functions […]
Wobbly Wexford field boundaries

Weird wobbly Wexford field boundaries near Tintern – been there for at least the past 200 years or so… here’s a recent AP: Here’s the 1st edition OS map – just a little wobbly: And the second edition – accentuated wobbles:
VAIO Worry
My Vaio laptop has begun to make intermittent clicking noises, reminiscent of the alien noises made in some film (Movie, for our foreign readers) which I can’t remember. The noise is like a high pitched click, click, click click…. It always got very hot, but is not in the listed Vaio ‘hot’models. Should I be […]
Beer Comic
Colleen over at Middle Savagery has posted a comic (using Comic Life, a really fun, easy to use piece of software that I’ve been using for my nephew’s entertainment) showing the brewing at WAC. Thanks Colleen.
Science and Reason
Via PZ Myers, ’nuff said..
European Poker Tour

Right now over on EPT live, Galwayman Fintan Gavin has just made it to the last 6 (and is second in chips) at the European Poker Tour in Barcelona, top prize almost 1.4m. We’ll be tuned in for the day. Although one of the less well-known faces in international poker, Fintan is no novice and […]