Two brief snippets today – WhenonGE (When on Google Earth) is still unsolved at Theoretical Structural Archaeology. For those who are unfamiliar with the game, It’s a game for archaeologists, or anybody else willing to have a go! The host posts a google earth image of an archaeological site, you try to identify the site in […]
Four Stone Hearth 62

The next Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival will be at the Swedish Osteological Society blog on the 11th March…. Send your submissions to them now….
Four Stone Hearth 61

Happy Kuwait Day, Happy People Power Day and, above all, Happy Feast Day of Blessed Maria Adeodata Pisani (who it has to be said really had a truly miserable life). But before you get your spirituality on, welcome to the desultory confines of the 61st Four Stone Hearth (4SH) Blog Carnival where, as someone once […]
FINAL CALL FOR 4SH SUBMISSIONS Still some room at the inn….
Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival – Call for submissions We’ve had a few great submissions for the next editon of the 4SH Blog Carnival so far, but we’re still looking for more. The Carnival will be up here on Wednesday evening (25th Feb.) so step on up and get your links in to us at […]
4SH 61 at Moore Group
The 60th session of the four stone hearth blog carnival is up at Middle Savagery. As usual there’s a lot of great reading material and Colleen’s pointed to some great anthroblogs I hadn’t encountered before. Head on over by clicking here…. We’ll be hosting the next one on the 25th of February so, as Colleen […]
Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival

So we’ve stepped up and will be hosting a session of the Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival next month. The Four Stone Hearth is a blog carnival that specializes in anthropology in the widest (American) sense of that word, focussing primarily on four lines of research: archaeology socio-cultural anthropology bio-physical anthropology linguistic anthropology The current […]
Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival
The Four Stone Hearth blog carnival (a blog carnival that specializes in anthropology in the widest {American} sense of that word – anthropology as the study of humankind, throughout all times and places, focussing primarily on four lines of research) is up over at Greg Ladens blog, here. The second part of our post on […]
Four Stone Hearth #39
Hominin Dental Anthropology is the host of the most recent Four Stone Hearth (39) Blog Carnival. Great blog (seriously, I love that there’s a well-written blog which specializes in ancient teeth)- go visit.