Friday Flora and Fauna

Well bloggers, today’s entry will be a short one as I’m up to my eyes (thank feck). While researching the (Draft) Galway County Development Plan 2009 – 2015 for policy on visual impact assessment and protected views, I reviewed the section on Guidelines for Heritage, Landscape and Environmental Management and noticed that Galway County Council […]
Friday Flora and Fauna

Well bloggers, Sunday is the 1st day of Spring, we’ve done it, survived another Irish winter. Doesn’t seem that long since the 21st of December and the depth of it. So things are stirring, birds are getting noisier in the morning and the daffodil shoots are well on the way in the garden. The grey […]
Friday Flora and Fauna

Well bloggers. Seeing as this is the first post in a new thread, I thought I’d start with the topic of communication. Blogging , obviously, is a form of communication or display. A way of sort of putting yourself out there and waiting to see if you’ll attract some or any attention. Let’s leave the […]