OXO knew their Prehistoric brewing techniques!

Just received delivery of Lynn Pearson’s ‘Built to Brew – The history and heritage of the brewery’, published by English Heritage.

IN her second chapter she references our experiments. The chapter is headed by an image from a 19th Century Trading Card produced by Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company, the originators of OXO (image on bottom left of illustration below – the screenshot was scraped from a trading card collector website so apologies, the quality is not great). The wise marketeers at Liebig’s portray the earliest brewers using hot rocks to prepare their mash. Their brew site is near a stream. Their large pot is dug into a pit in the ground. All sounds very familiar….

There you go – even Oxo agree with us (and came up with the hot rock mashing theory far earlier)!

OXO trade card

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