Continuing our series of old posts (to mark our 10th year in business), ones we feel were good, prescient or elicited some good conversation or debate, this post was first published in July 2008. Posted at the height of the Tara controversy, it was a bit snarky and did elicit some discussion. We also, in […]
Draft Landscape Conservation Area for Tara Skryne
Just in from Meath County Council via the IAI: Draft Tara Skryne Landscape Conservation Area Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204 (4) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 that Meath County Council has prepared a Draft Landscape Conservation Area for Tara Skryne. The Draft Landscape Conservation Area comprises of a written statement and a boundary map. […]
Of the people, By the people, For the people

Guest Post from Southie Sham. Here’s a second guest post from Southie Sham. Southie’s our man in North Dakota in ‘A-Merry-Ka’ and is a Principle Investigator archaeologist. An Irishman, he’ll occasionally post his sometimes skewed thoughts on living in the New World and North American Archaeology. Today SS compares Irish and American approaches to planning […]
Recession-busting fulacht fiadh…
With the credit crunch and rising energy bills, perhaps it’s time to return to more traditional methods of cooking. Fulachtaí fia could be the answer.. So suggests Ross Golden Bannon in this weekends Sunday Business Post (piece not available online). Ross has a well researched single column piece which describes the nature and suggested functions […]
Tara etc..
Weekend of weddings and festivities, so in the interim here’s the response from Margaret Gowen to the article published by Maggie Ronayne in the Irish Times recently and here’s the response from Maggie Ronayne and others… And oh dear, here we go, Creationism/Intelligent Design – coming to school in a Province near you… it was […]
Archaeology, Ethics, Corruption & the M3
I was going to introduce this blog post with the following, somewhat facetious, opener: While we were busy brewing beer in UCD, in deep conversation with our very good pal ‘Don’ Rumsfeld, it seems that field archaeologists were exposed as the corrupt and evil rabble that they are, in thrall to our evil paymasters, the […]
Looting to order in Iraq

From Remote Central via PDQ here’s an excellent, if disturbing, small film about the looting in Iraq. Just click on the screenshot to view it. We love Rumsfeld’s ‘Is it possible that there are that many vases in the whole Country’!!! What a wag! Compare with our own Taoiseach’s description of archaeologists (from The […]
Tara Again
Over the past weeks both Conor Newman and Professor John Waddell of NUIG have been vocally critical of the use of the term ‘preservation by record’ in reference to excavation. Moore Group concurs – the term is mere spin – Archaeology is by its very nature destructive and any data not recovered in the process […]