Volvo Ocean Race Stopover

Saturday saw the departure of the Volvo Ocean Race for Marstrand, Sweden after two fantastic weeks in Galway. Estimates as to the total attendance vary from 420,000 to 600,000 during the course of the stopover, far exceeding the original expectations of 140,000. The success of the event seems to have surprised everyone (and may have […]
How Supermacs saved the Volvo Ocean Race

Moore Marine welcomes home the Green Dragon The imminent arrival of the Volvo Ocean Race to Galway meant that Saturday night was one of great anticipation. Throughout much of the previous week there had been wild speculation as to when the fleet would arrive. Some were saying they wouldn’t be arriving until Tuesday, whilst others […]
Volvo Ocean Race

The imminent arrival of the Volvo Ocean Race in Galway prompted us to place an ad in one of the local papers – the Galway Independent. Readers can follow the Irish – Chinese entry, Green Dragon (at the time of writing they’re lying in fifth place) at their website here. Here’s our in-house designed advert […]