Galway Races

From Samuca’s Photostream The Moore Group and Moore Marine offices are closed for the Galway Races on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th July and Bank Holiday Monday. We will be back as usual on Tuesday, hopefully richer, unlike last year.
Galway Races
Moore Group’s offices will be empty due to the Galway Races on Thursday 31st July and Friday 1st August. We’ll all be dressed up and dapper for Ladies day and our annual outing. Business as usual after the bank holiday on Tuesday.
Pole-axed in 13th century Eyre Square

Specially for the Races, here’s our breaking news about how visitors were treated in our pleasant town in the 13th century. We Irish pride ourselves on our supposedly hospitable and open nature, our open house, kettle always on the boil, door always open, receptive ways. But we may not always have been so pleasant to […]