This Should Be Interesting!!

By now some of you may be wondering how the aquaponics systems are doing. It’s winter, aquaponics and cold temperatures do not go well together, plants don’t grow, fish don’t grow and if it gets too cold the nitrogen fixing bacteria die. Commercial aquaponics systems (and aquaculture and hydroponics systems) are designed to run at […]
Fish needed!

Progress Report on Aquaponics Things are moving slowly as we only have a few goldfish at this stage. Soon after adding the goldfish we went through the ‘pea soup’ phase as the tank was ‘bedding in’ making it impossible to see more than a few inches into the water. The plants in the grow bed […]

Posted by Nigel Here’s the reason there’s been very little recent activity on the blog – we’ve been working hard on our new side project – our Headford backyard aquaponics system …. Put simply, aquaponics is the integration of hydroponics and aquaculture, a recirculating method of sustainable food production. The process basically entails pumping nutrient […]