The ‘Meyrick’ Hotel, perhaps better known locally as the Great Southern, in Eyre Square (for a note on the naming see our next post) made some unfortunate local headlines recently. It’s a landmark hotel in the city centre dominating the western end of Eyre Square and is no stranger to controversy. Moore Group were involved […]
More Flickr photos
We’ve added more of the Eyre Square photos to our photostream on Flickr. This series comprises just a few samples of the type of finds we recovered during the project. We’ll add more over time. To date there are some of the small finds, the latrine, the wheel, some marbles, metal finds and some coins […]
Eyre Square leather

AUTHOR: Billy Quinn Introduction Forty four worked leather pieces were retrieved from the Market House excavation (for more on the excavation see here) during the course of the Eyre Square Re-enhancement Project between the 3rd and the 18th of November 2004. Most of the fragments were retrieved from a rectangular sondage (approx 8m x 2m) […]
Friday Flora & Fauna
Announcing ‘Friday Flora and Fauna’… From tomorrow, we’ll be posting a regular, topical flora and fauna column from Moore Group staff. We’ll follow the seasons and report on topical issues to do with the Irish environment and Irish Biodiversity. We’ll try and keep it regular to Fridays, but work pressures might affect the consistency occasionally! […]
Not the Large Hadron Collider, just a wheel

Here’s object number two in our virtual museum – a late medieval wheel from Galway City. As with the palstave, we’ve also presented a brief report on the find including a description of the circumstances of its finding. Although it’s a somewhat less spectacular object, it’s one of those rare pieces which reflect everyday life […]
Eyre Square Excavations Part I

Moore Group was engaged by Galway City Council as the consulting archaeologists for the Eyre Square Re-enhancement Project and from the outset in February 2004 carried out archaeological testing and monitoring of groundworks. A number of excavations were carried out during the scheme. Some post-excavation is ongoing and a final report will be prepared soon. […]
Death by spearing

From the Australian Archaeological Association – A report of an early death by spearing in Australia. This caught our eye as we’re currently waiting for dates for a couple of skeletons we recovered during the Eyre Square excavations in Galway which had some severe fatal wounds. We’ll be posting more info on them here shortly. […]