Posts Tagged ‘experiment’

Response to Archaeobotanists letter

Response to Archaeobotanists letter

In reply to the Irish Archaeobotanical Discussion Groups letter about the article on Fulacht Fiadh and brewing published in Archaeology Ireland, in the first instance we’d like to state our delight in receiving such a stimulating and provoking response and warmly acknowledge the group’s congratulations on our experimental endeavours. It is always a welcome and […]

Wired Magazine and Ancient Beer

Wired Magazine and Ancient Beer

Great piece about the Beer Experiment in this months issue of Wired, written by Nadya Labi. We’ve been pleasantly surprised by the quality of the writing about the experiment in the media over the past months. The pieces in both the IT and Wired and in many other outlets have been well researched, thoughful, and […]

Ale, brewing and fulacht fiadh: Archaeology Ireland

Ale, brewing and fulacht fiadh: Archaeology Ireland

Ale, brewing and fulacht fiadh Billy Quinn and Declan Moore of Moore Environmental and Archaeological Consultants in Galway present a bleary eyed experimental reassessment of the nature and function of fulacht fiadh The majority of Irish field monuments are defined by their names – a standing stone is a standing stone and a ringfort is […]