Invasive Species, Lagarosiphon

Lagarosiphon major, Curly leaved pond weed or African pondweed, was first identified in Lough Corrib in April 2005. Native to southern Africa, the plant quickly overtook native plant growth and threatened fish stocks in the lake. Not only does it threaten the biodiversity of Lough Corrib, but its biomass can interfere with navigation and water-based […]
Carnival Round Up
In archaeology reading, the latest 4 stone hearth blog carnival is up at ‘Wanna be an Anthropologist’ , while Geoff Carter is currently hosting the latest ‘When on Google Earth‘.You can keep up with the WhenonGE slots at the facebook group here. Of Geoff and his blog ‘Theoretical Structural Archaeology’, WBAA has this to say: […]
Volvo Ocean Race Stopover

Saturday saw the departure of the Volvo Ocean Race for Marstrand, Sweden after two fantastic weeks in Galway. Estimates as to the total attendance vary from 420,000 to 600,000 during the course of the stopover, far exceeding the original expectations of 140,000. The success of the event seems to have surprised everyone (and may have […]
More Marine
Continuing in a marine theme, our source in the Marine Institute has tipped us off to the following excellent links…. First – Here’s the singing humpbacks of West Cork. The YouTube clip below has been edited – the whale sounds aren’t live. Via the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) and recorded by Eugene McKeown […]