Creedon’s Epic East featuring Billy and Declan
And here’s Billy and Declan on an episode of Creedon’s Epic East.

Here’s a big beer infographic for you all… In the latest ancient beer news (I, know, would we just give it up now) – at the weekend we bottled our ale for Féile Grianán Áiligh and samples for Inishfood 2013. Féile Grianán is held at Grianan hillfort, Co. Donegal, one of Ireland’s most spectacular hillforts […]

Declan, Billy and Nigel presented at a Seminar on ‘Experimental Archaeology in Northwest Europe: Principles and Potential’ in UCD last week. Our presentation was on the beer experiments and Fulacht Fiadh. Here’s some of Declan’s section of the presentation: Fulachta fiadh are one of the most widespread of Irish field monuments and may number up […]
The Ozone
‘If the banks don’t get you down the head shop ban will, but at least the powers that be heaven’t copped on to bronze age booze yet’… writes Olaf Tyaransen in todays Herald ( He kindly links to our gallery. Thanks Olaf… But it was late afternoon for pints in Neachtain’s, I swear. Meanwhile, after replacing […]
Weekend Brewing

In preparation for WAC 6 in UCD next week we’ve brewed up a fresh brew of our Ale for general sampling and consumption on the day. Our brand new, watertight (ish), portable (ish) Fulacht held out after application of a good coat of (non toxic) bitumen paint externally. Our original fulacht, an old cattle trough, […]
WAC 6 Fringe beer

We’ve been invited to present the beer experiment at WAC 6 in July as part of the WAC Fringe at UCD’s Belfield Campus. WAC is shaping up to be a great event. We’ll be giving out free samples of our Fulacht Beer/Hot Rock Ale at the event as well as samples brewed by a student […]
Great Beer Experiment video
Regular readers will have noticed that we’ve posted the video of last years Great Beer Experiment using VodPod on the right… Produced by BigYes, it documents the process and the events last August – please bear in mind when viewing that we had consumed quite a bit of our beer by the end of the […]
Response to Archaeobotanists letter

In reply to the Irish Archaeobotanical Discussion Groups letter about the article on Fulacht Fiadh and brewing published in Archaeology Ireland, in the first instance we’d like to state our delight in receiving such a stimulating and provoking response and warmly acknowledge the group’s congratulations on our experimental endeavours. It is always a welcome and […]
Bronze Age beer on Sky News
Someone just pointed this out to us on Sky News. It’s Billy & Dec brewing on the news. Look for episode 85 of Seven Days (7 days – Sky News Active’s light hearted look at the week’s news!). You’ll have to sit through the tiger who lives in a house and a story about slugs, […]